Jeremy Buckner

Avondale, AZ

Jeremy Buckner

Avondale, AZ
This profile has been claimed and all information verified.
+1 (480) 999-9870
Contact Doctor
Indiana/ Purdue University in Human Biology
Clinic Info
Unity Physician Services Providers
Contact Info
1001 E. Warner Road Suite #107, Tempe, AZ, United States
Website URL
Dr. Jeremy Buckner attended Indiana/ Purdue University at Indianapolis majoring in Human Biology. He is a Veteran of the USN as a fleet marine corpsman from Indianapolis IN. He moved to Phoenix directly after graduation and opened a clinic with what is now Pain Stop Clinics. Jeremy has purchased two offices from Pain Stop Clinics with great success. He is a part owner of Pain Stop Tempe, Pain Stop Metro Center, Pain Stop Mesa and Pain Stop Corporate.

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