Sandra Caldwell, MD

Burkburnett, TX

Sandra Caldwell, MD

Burkburnett, TX
This profile has been claimed and all information verified.
+1 (972) 702-7019
Contact Doctor
The University of Texas Medical Branch
Clinic Info
Wellness Solutions
Contact Info
2301 W. Parker Road #3 Plano, TX 75023, Plano, TX, United States
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Sandra Caldwell, MD graduated from medical school at The University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston and completed her residency in Family Medicine at St. Mary’s Family Medicine Residency in Grand Junction, Colorado. 
 She grew up in North Texas’ tornado alley in Wichita Falls and attended school in Burkburnett.  After completing her B.S. degree in mathematics at Midwestern State University, she worked in the business field for several years before being drawn back to school to become a physician. ...

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