Tips for a Positive Concussion Recovery

Concussion Recovery
27 June, 2018 - 4:33 PM
Category: Blog

If you have injured your head in any recent activity, you may be suffering from a concussion, which is trauma to your head and brain. This is a serious condition that required immediate medical attention from professionals who are able to assess your situation and provide you with the right tools and treatment for your injury. While a doctor’s appointment is essential in ensuring the best outcome for you and your brain, there are still things you can do from your home that can help make your recovery as smooth and speedy as possible.

The most delicate and important stage of a concussion is naturally the moments right after the injury. This can last several days depending on the severity of the trauma involved. It’s best to rest and recover for the first few days in order to prevent any complications. Avoid doing any strenuous physical activity and get as much sleep as possible. Of course, this should be done alongside a visit to the doctor as early as possible to receive an assessment of your injury.

You can also help speed up your recovery by applying a cold pack to your head for every two to four hours for the first 48 hours to reduce swelling and bruising as much as possible. While resting your head in the physical sense, you should also rest your head mentally, which means no deep thinking, video games, reading, or working from home!

Over time, you can gradually reintroduce elements of your daily routine when symptoms of the concussion start to subside. As symptoms get milder, you may be able to resume more activities until the concussion completely goes away. However, this may take weeks or even months. Get regular advice from your physician to know what the limits are, if any, for your activities.

If you or a loved one is suffering from symptoms of a concussion, don’t delay and search for a clinic in your area with Honest Doctor to find the best team of medical professionals to help you assess concussions and develop a rehabilitation for your head.

What to Do When You Think You Have a Concussion

27 June, 2018 - 4:10 PM

It’s spring, which means the temperatures are warming up and people beginning to resume their outdoor activities. While it’s always great to go out and stay active, it’s still important to beware of any unexpected injuries that can occur if you’re not careful. When you experience any incident that involves a blow to the head, you may be suffering from a concussion. This may be especially common in contact sports or activities that tend to involve the upper body.

There are a number of signs if you are suffering from a concussion. This includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Headaches
  2. Nausea
  3. Slurring your words when talking
  4. Forgetting what happened just after the injury
  5. Ringing in your ears

A concussion tends to heal on its own with ample rest and recovery. Don’t resume any sports or other activities while you are still suffering from the effects of the concussion. No matter if you believe your head injury will heal on its or not, it is imperative that you visit a doctor in order to know exactly what your long-term and short-term prognoses are. You may even have a concussion but not even know about it, which makes a visit to the doctor all the more crucial in the early stages after an injury. Your head is one of the most important parts of your body, and any damage to it can be costly if left untreated. Once you’ve had a concussion, it’s easier to get another one in the future, which means it’s important to be extra vigilant in future.

Don’t delay and look for a clinic with Honest Doctor at the first sign of injury to prevent a bad situation from getting worse.

Best Ways To Keep Your Back Strong

Keeping a Strong Back
27 June, 2018 - 4:09 PM
Category: Blog

Your back is one of the most important parts of your body. Without a healthy back, you would have poor posture, weak muscles, and poor joints, which could potentially set you up for serious pain and permanent damage in the long run. Here are some ways to keep your back healthy, strengthening it and keeping pain at bay for as long as possible.

  1. Improve your posture: It may sound too simple, but one of the best ways to keep your back strong is by standing up straight and maintaining a healthy posture, which can also maintain your joint health. A correct posture can prevent serious problems from arising down the road and will also make you look taller and more confident.
  2. Build muscle: Your spine depends on muscle for support, and weak muscles mean your bones will be taking on much of the strain. Building muscle through weightlifting with free weights, machines, or even dumb bells to strengthen your core muscles will mean less work for your bones and a happier spine.
  3. Sleep better: While sleeping more can help to reduce your sensitivity to pain, it’s also important to watch the way you’re sleeping. Try to sleep on your back as much as possible, which helps prevent back pain by allowing your spine and neck to rest naturally in a stress-free position.
  4. Stay flexible: It’s important to maintain a wide range of joint motion and to reduce tightness in your muscles. Any disruption to that can lead to a misaligned spine and as a result, back pain. Perform aerobic exercises such as walking or swimming to keep your joints and muscles strong and health.
  5. Be careful when lifting objects: When you need to lift heavy items, bend at the knee when picking the object up so the stress goes to your legs rather than your back. If something is too heavy, ask for help. It’s better to have a healthy back than to ask someone else to lift something for you!
  6. Get regular professional advice: see a chiropractor regularly to treat even the slightest pain or stress before it becomes a serious problem. A trained chiropractor can provide you with information on how to keep your back healthy and the best treatments to stop things from snowballing. Everyone encounters pain once in a while but getting help for it at the onset can make sure it becomes a non-issue.

Search for a clinic in your area with Honest Doctor to learn more about how to prevent and treat back pain with a team you can trust.